The media know it and so do I : people love conflict. Sometimes it's even incumbent on the free press to get in their 'participatory democracy' style and stir up a little argy bargy to get things going; after all, objectivity is not only theoretically impossible but also really dull...
So after months of speculation, rumours and political posturing KRudd has finally made his move and resigned as Foreign Minister (don't worry Rudd family, Dad's frequent flyer account is still looking healthy).
Given the way the process has unfolded over the past few months, I think KRudd's 'soap opera' description is pretty close to the mark. Maybe 'sit-com' would be more appropriate. The tension between the leading lady and man has gradually built, spurred on by the catcalls and jibes from anonymous bit players, until finally the (sexual/electoral) frustration hit a boiling point and we witnessed the equivalent of their on-screen kiss (Rudd's resignation and Gillard's counter call for a leadership ballot). This is a metaphor. For those who would like to see them actually kiss, please refer to the photo below..
![]() | || Using a trick that many boys figure out in high school, KRudd cunningly conceals his excitement with an exercise book. |
"Can you take this whole sex/romance analogy further?" I hear you ask. Hey, it's the blogosphere, let's go crazy! OFAMV brings you The Saga of Kevin & Julia, perhaps the most turbulent romance since Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh famously exchanged smouldering looks in Gone With the Wind.
- PART I: The Honeymoon Years
Our fearless PM showed us he had the balls to boost troop numbers in Afghanistan and drop S-bombs on national TV. If you don't believe just check out this clip (note how the ladies swoon at Kev's tough talk):
But KRudd wasn't military might and mouthing off, he also showed his sensitive side by ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, apologising the the Aboriginal Stolen Generations and giving us all some money to spend on something pretty. What a nice, caring man!
- PART II: Losing the Upper Hand
- PART III: Hos before Bros a.k.a The Ultimate Cock-blocking
- PART IV: The Stay at Home Husband
- PART V: The Pre-Emptive Breakup
- PART VI: Moving On
* During the press conference in which he announced his resignation he said "There's no way I would ever be party to a stealth attack on a sitting prime minister elected by the people", which is kind of the political equivalent of a passive-aggressive post break-up line like "I'm not saying he's a loser, I know you're friends with the guy... I guess some people are happy having no prospects, and that's fine."
* Now that a leadership poll has been announced, Labor's 103 MPs and Senators will have to pledge their support for either Kevin or Julia. There's no compromise, no each way bet (now we'll find out exactly whose these "faceless men" are). This mirrors exactly what any peer group effectively has to do after a nasty break-up between two mutual friends.
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Ironically, the 'Faceless Men of the Labor Party' are clearly distinguished by their conspicuous lack of facial features. |